Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Long Time

Hello there cyberspce...

I'm not sure if anyone does read these posts, but in the off chance that there is, and for my own sake I need to update you all on what has been going on in our lives. Since the middle of June or there abouts we have had a tough time with illness and death in our church. A dear sweet woman passed away very suddenly, and then a middle aged man also passed after a bout with cancer. After that we took a while to recover, and vacation couldn't come soon enough. The church has been great, but it's hard to minister to people when you are spent.

So Rachel and I went out to PA and NJ, and had some R and R with the Olsen clan. It was good to get away. But we came back a bit tired but needing to jump right back into things. I started coaching again and Rachel is back in school. It would all be fine, but our poor secretary had surgery right before we left, so we are doing some more things to keep the church running smoothly... pray for us.

More updates and thoughts forth coming...